Welcome Home Avery!

Avery’s stork sign was rented for a week and included delivery, set up and breakdown of the sign. Each customized pet sign was an additional $20. Storks rent for $100.
The new family already has bottles, bibs and burp cloths! Give them an experience they’ll remember forever! Coming home to a 6ft tall stork is so fun! Let all your neighbors know your new baby is home!
#birthstorksign #babywelcomehome #stmarys #calvertcounty #babyyardsign #storkrentalnearme #storklawnsign #babyshower #personalizedgift #customizedgift #leonardtown #lexingtonpark #greatmills #hollywood #california #stork #babystork

St. Mary’s Storks offers the only stork sign birth announcements in St. Mary’s County and lower Calvert County.
Call 301-880-6189 to place your order