Twin Stork Announcement
My favorite St. Mary’s Storks twins are ONE today! Happy Birthday Jaxon and Jacob! Remember us when someone you know is expecting a new family member! St. Mary’s Storks delivers free to all of St. Mary’s and lower Calvert County. Twin stork rentals are $150 for a week-long visit. After the rental period the personalized bundles are left behind for the new family. #twinstorkannouncement #twinstorks #storkscalvertcounty #storkrentalmaryland #storkrentalstmaryscounty #somd #newbornannouncement #pregnancyannouncement #genderrevealparty

St. Mary’s Storks offers the only stork sign birth announcements in St. Mary’s County and lower Calvert County.
Call 301-880-6189 to place your order